After an Extraction
- The feeling of numbness will start to wear off 2-4 hours after the extraction. Until that time avoid all hot foods and liquids. Avoid chewing the area that is numb to prevent accidentally burning or biting the lips, cheeks, inside of your mouth or tongue until the feeling has returned.
Stopping Bleeding
- Fold the gauze into a small pack and place over the extraction site. There should be firm pressure on the extraction site. Maintain firm biting pressure on the gauze for one to two hours.
- It is normal for the extraction site to bleed slightly or ooze blood for 12 – 24 hours following surgery.
- For the first 2-8 hours after surgery, ice packs should be applied to the outside of the face over the area of the extraction site. The ice pack should be held in place for 15 minutes or so and then removed for 15 minutes. This will help reduce discomfort and swelling.
- Do not take aspirin products due to the possible increase in bleeding potential. If prescription medications were prescribed by your dentist please follow the instructions on the label carefully. For most extractions, ibuprofen or paracetamol will provide good pain relief. Do not take more than recommended daily dosage of any medication. For serious side effects or allergic reactions seek medical care immediately.
- A liquid or soft diet should be followed for the first 12-24 hours after an extraction. It is important to drink plenty of fluids for the first few days after an extraction. Avoid the use of a straw as it may dislodge the blood clot from the extraction site.
- Clean the rest of your mouth as usual but avoid bumping or brushing the extraction site. Do not rinse your mouth or use mouthwash for the first 24 hours. After 24 hours use a hot salty mouthwash 2 – 3 times a day.
- Do not smoke for 24 hours after the extraction as there is an increased risk of Dry Socket and infection.
- If you had sutures placed they will dissolve on their own and may come out any time after surgery. You may notice that they are loose after the swelling of your gum tissue decreases. This is completely normal.
Avoiding Infection
- Do NOT rinse for the first 24 hours after an extraction. The day after an extraction use Corsodyl mouthwash at least 3 times a day to prevent infection.
Possible complications: Dry socket.
- A dry socket occurs when the blood clot is dislodged from the surgery site exposing the bone and fine nerve endings. This condition is more common in back teeth, particularly wisdom teeth, although it can occur in any extraction site.
- Dry socket occurs two or more days after an extraction and can last 5-6 days. The symptoms associated with dry socket are moderate to severe pain, bad taste, bad smell and poor blood clot formation in the socket.