Tooth Extraction

What is a Tooth Extraction?


A tooth extraction is where we remove a tooth and is carried out for several reasons. If the nerve of the tooth is damaged beyond repair and root canal treatment is not an option then a tooth extraction is indicated.


Another time when a tooth extraction is necessary is if the tooth is too badly damaged and cannot be repaired even with root canal treatment and post / core procedures still cannot predictably restore the tooth. In these cases, a tooth extraction is the last option for the tooth!


In trauma situations sometimes a tooth cannot be repaired or if most of the bone is lost in periodontal disease and causing discomfort then tooth removal may be needed.

Tooth Extraction Dublin

How much is a tooth extraction?


Much like fillings, teeth extraction vary greatly in difficulty and the procedures required also differ. Generally, teeth in the front of the mouth are easier than molars and the prices reflect that.


If the tooth has unusual anatomy or the top of the tooth is heavily broken down and breaks off, a surgical extraction may be needed. A referral to another surgeon may be indicated in the most difficult extractions and we work closely with a periodontal surgeon who will remove most teeth in a gentle way.

Wisdom tooth extraction


Wisdom tooth extraction is the extraction of the very back teeth which are commonly known as wisdom teeth. Not everyone has wisdom teeth and not everyone needs to have wisdom teeth extracted. Wisdom teeth removal can be difficult as they are in the very back of the mouth and are hard to access.


They are also complicated as they are close to other critical structures like nerves. As with regular extractions, wisdom tooth recovery time varies from person to person and also if the extraction was surgical or not. Often these are referred to a periodontal surgeon or an oral surgeon. 



Tooth extraction aftercare will always be given at the time of extraction. The healing time varies per person and tooth but generally its a few days and by 2 weeks things are usually back to normal.

Why Choose Meath Dental Clinic in Dublin

We offer some the of best dental treatment in Dublin. We are known for the best, affordable, and painless dental treatments with quick appointments and timely solutions

We Offer A Full Range Of Dental Treatments
In A Modern and Caring Environment


What Our Clients Say

From the front desk, the lovely girls are very welcoming and understanding. Removed my wisdom tooth and did not feel any pain, very gentle and was told how to care of it and it healed faster than I thought. Very professional. Quality and service is perfect.
Came to this clinic just before Christmas after 4 years of not attending a dentist for emergency treatment, thought I just needed my wisdom tooth out and was prepared to pay whatever was required to get it out, turns out I had a nasty infection and was really worried about it, they got me dosed up and prescribed antobianti's and I'm currently undergoing a course of treatment in there to get my teeth and mouth back to full health, fully relaxed and always trusting of these people! 6 out of 5 if I could!
Excellent dental practice. Extremely nice staff and very understanding of a nervous patient. Would 100% recommend.
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