Crowns - Before & After

CASE 1: This young doctor was in a road traffic accident fracturing numerous teeth. Crowns were placed on the two badly broken down teeth and a conservative veneer on the third tooth.

Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 1
Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 5 - after

CASE 2: A patient attended as she was concerned about the poor appearance of the two front teeth at the gums. She had recession on the old crowns and they were replaced with well-fitting and much more cosmetic crowns.


There were numerous teeth missing on one side and these teeth were restored with a fixed bridge on implants providing the patient an intact set of teeth that look and function ideally. 

Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 2
Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - case 2 after

CASE 3: This young lady attended with a poor shape and texture filling on her front tooth. This was replaced with a beautiful porcelain crown giving a more symmetrical smile incorporating a crown that matches nature perfectly. 

Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 3 Before
Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 3 After

CASE 4: A patient in her twenties with a history of weak teeth attended concerned about the wearing down of the teeth along with sensitivity. On questioning the patient had a history of bulimia which explained the severe acid erosion present.

There was no active eating disorder and as such treatment was offered. Treatment involved placing crowns on the front six teeth. This lady’s main motivation was the attendance of a wedding. She also had some tooth whitening carried out.

The result was a delighted patient with brighter whitener smile having a much more pleasing and youthful shape that is reflective of where she believes her teeth should be

Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 4 Before
Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 4 After

CASE: 5 A lady attended with worn, stained and filled teeth. It was always her desire to have bright and youthful teeth. Examination showed there were some very extensively restored teeth that had failing fillings.

The fillings were all replaced and all the upper teeth were crowned (Zirconia all ceramic crowns). The lower teeth were whitened. The patient was very appreciative of her treatment and referred her friends along to us.

She works with the public and commented on the improved confidence she now has in the day to day meetings she has

Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 5 before
Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 5 after

CASE 6: This gentleman attended looking for a solution to his poor dental appearance. We found the teeth to be highly discoloured, in a poor position and the shape was far from ideal.


We treated any disease present, carried out gentle tooth whitening and provided crowns on the upper front four teeth after advanced smile design methods. The result gave a drastic improvement with much nicer looking and whiter teeth that function properly.

Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - case 6 before
Dental Crowns Dublin - Smile Gallery - The Meath Dental Clinic - Case 6 After
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