Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Dublin


Most people would like whiter teeth to give them a beautiful smile and more confidence.


Teeth whitening is a safe, effective way to whiten your teeth. Many people don’t realise how teeth whitening works and how to ensure you get the best results from your treatment.


We would pride ourselves in providing the best teeth whitening in Ireland in the safest environment.

Best Teeth Whitening Dublin

The Whitening Procedure


Whitening your teeth involves having custom made bleaching trays made by a dental laboratory. These trays should be a tight fit in your mouth. Gentle whitening gel is then applied to the inside of the bleaching trays and positioned so the gel is against the outer tooth surfaces.


You should see the effects within a few days and treatment should continue usually for at least 2 weeks until you are happy with the results. Avoiding tea, coffee, red wine and foods such as curries that stain teeth is very important as this will reduce the effectiveness of the teeth.


Before whitening your teeth you should have your teeth cleaned to remove any staining or calculus present to ensure your teeth are clean before you start. By following our advice you can have the best teeth whitening in Dublin.


Many people think you need loads of bleach to get the desired effect but in reality only a tiny amount of bleach is required. If you are looking for a reliable dentist in town, we are here to help.


We are known for the best, affordable, and painless dental treatments with quick appointments and timelysolutions.

General Whitening Advice


People worry about side effects of whitening but if you follow your dentist’s instructions correctly and have good home cleaning, bleaching should be very comfortable and safe.


Teeth whitening is a highly effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing or damaging any of the tooth surface. It is important however this procedure is done correctly as per our instructions. You will achieve a better result than laser teeth whitening can possibly achieve and with no side effects unlike laser tooth whitening in Ireland.


Often people ask about Zoom whitening which is type of product that can be used to whitenteeth and it is advised to carry this out with a laser procedure. In reality an LED lamp is used to activate this product.


Instead of Zoom teeth whitening with a light we prefer to carry out amore gentle procedure that has minimal side effects and the best longevity.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes. Research and clinical studies indicate that whitening teeth with carbamide peroxide and/or hydrogen peroxide under the supervision of a dentist is safe for teeth and gums. We ensure only the safest products and concentrations are used.


How long will my teeth stay whiter?

The effects of whitening normally last for many years, although this will vary from person to person. Inevitably with time the teeth will start to darken again due to drinks and food (and more rapidly if you are a smoker). Most people like to maintain their whitening effect by using the gel for one or two nights every three to six months. With good cleaning however your teeth will always be brighter than had you not whitened them. 



Is teeth whitening OK for everyone?

Teeth whitening can only lighten the existing colour of your natural teeth. It will not work on any types of ‘false’ teeth such as crowns, veneers or dentures. These may need replacing if they are stained or are the wrong colour. If you have white fillings, these will not change and may also need to be replaced to match your whitened teeth.

Are there any side effects?

Some people find that their teeth become sensitive during the treatment. Just contact the surgery if you have any concerns and we will give you advice on preventing this. If you have natural white flecks in your enamel these will become more apparent during treatment but will fade following treatment.

For people with extra sensitive teeth we have a special treatment regime that will allow almost everyone whiten their teeth. 

Why Choose Meath Dental Clinic in Dublin

We offer some the of best teeth whitening solutions in Dublin. We are known for the best, affordable, and painless dental treatments with quick appointments and timely solutions

We Offer A Full Range Of Dental Treatments
In A Modern and Caring Environment


What Our Clients Say

It was my first time here and they were fantastic the dentist was fantastic and so was the nurse. The receptionist was very helpful and friendly. This Clinic is the type of place you want to return to.
Fantastic clinic. Staff and Dentists are highly skilled and very professional. Will be recommending this clinic to everyone I know.
Fantastic clinic. Staff and Dentists are highly skilled and very professional. l have recommend this clinic to family and friends who have also had a great experience here 🙂 3
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