Tooth Filling

What is a tooth filling? 


A tooth filling is a restorative procedure to fix teeth damaged teeth. Teeth can be damaged in several ways ranging from chips or wear to cavities.


Why do I need a filling even though I don’t have any pain?


This highlights the need for regular dental check-ups.


Generally, when a tooth starts give you pain, it is too late for a filling as the nerve of the tooth is injured.


Teeth fillings are aimed to seal the tooth and prevent the nerve from getting damaged further.

What does it all mean?


White fillings, silver fillings, metal fillings, composite fillings, amalgam fillings, temporary tooth fillings?


Generally, the terms above refer to the material used to restore the tooth. Composite fillings are tooth coloured fillings (white fillings). Composite fillings are highly aesthetic and very strong and can be used on all teeth.


Composite filling material is used in procedures such as composite veneers, edge bonding or composite bonding. We only use these with a front tooth filling. 


Silver fillings also known as amalgam or mercury fillings have been used for many many years in dentistry and are extremely strong and safe. With new EU directives, the use of amalgam fillings is being phased out, not due to any health considerations but due to environmental concerns with the disposal of the filling materials.


While composite fillings can be used in most cases instead of amalgam fillings, there is still certain circumstances where the dentist may recommend an amalgam filling instead of a composite filling. 


Amalgam fillings are also commonly called mercury fillings as they contain some of this. Sometimes people ask for removal of these primarily for aesthetic reasons as they are dark silver or even black. We are generally happy to provide this if asked.

Does it hurt, how long does a filling take, how much?

Fillings are usually done with a little local anesthetic to numb up the area. The anesthetic usually lasts around 2 – 4 hours. The whole process is pain free!


The time it takes to complete a filling depends from case to case. While we understand it isn’t always easy to stay with your mouth open, we do require a bit of time to ensure the filling is done properly and lasts a long time.


After the anesthetic wears off, there can sometimes be some tooth sensitivity after filling but this is usually only for a short period. Your tooth needs to adapt to the new material in the tooth and typically after a week the sensitivity should go away.


How much is a filling in Ireland? This generally varies depending on the size of the filling and can be seen in our fee guide section.

Why Choose Meath Dental Clinic in Dublin

We provide some the best dental treatments in Dublin. We are known for the best, affordable, and painless dental treatments with quick appointments and timely solutions

We Offer A Full Range Of Dental Treatments
In A Modern and Caring Environment


What Our Clients Say

Fantastic Clinic! Would recommend to all! Thank you Gene for your amazing care always. The pain I had is now gone after all of the fillings I have had done recently. I couldn't eat on my left side so it is life changing to be able to eat now. 5 stars!
I have been met by a very talented and professional team of dentists led by Mark. The front of house team are also so professional, welcoming and reassuring, answering many questions and are great at alleviating any advance fears, this patient may have about a visit to a dentist! This team know and care about the art of dentistry and primarily, their patients! Highly recommend.
so professional, welcoming and reassuring, answering many questions and are great at alleviating any advance fears, this patient may have about a visit to a dentist! This team know and care about the art of dentistry and primarily, their patients! Highly recommend.
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